

This tag is associated with 12 posts

do you ruffle a blanket

do you ruffle a blanket
like a poem?

days of rain

days of rain
make blankets
in me
put them over
a lover

I have made shelters

I have made shelters
in a wilderness
of self

I have taken
your blanket

in winter

in winter
you could bring blankets

you could keep me warm

this cold

this cold

makes you want
another’s bones

but where to find
her blanket

who have put it
away from me

spring has no

spring has no
yr want
my winter?

I can put a blanket

I can put a blanket
over you
I can see winter
in your eyes
we can look
at the moon
see if there are
werewolves in us?

go see her

go see her
take from her
a blanket

give them

give them
yr sex
like a gift
give me
yr blankets

hearth heart

your winter makes you
softer than others
who are of spring
who are of summer
who are of autumn
all the blankets you have
warm me

I have landscapes

I have landscapes
I can give you my wilderness

I can give you leaves

when I am in winter I rain

I can give you blankets

there is a sun but it is over the hills

and I do not go to it


your winters are like mine

your winters are
like mine

I give you
a blanket

it is nothing

our winters
are the same