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looking for the poem

looking for the poem
finding the ache
of the lonely day
inside myself

go to
look for you
in a song
melodies for the

weaving of skins
together in the
ethereal places

we had found

morning I remake

morning I remake
the walls of music
make the poetry
of silence
find I need to renew
my black undies
for she who may
find me

I’m listening to Carole King’s Tapestry album

I’m listening to Carole King’s
Tapestry album

each song makes
an empty room

it rains

it rains
I am made of water

the sun rises

I make vitamin D
from sunlight on my skin

I breathe the oxygen
made by plants

I am made of the minerals
of plants

I feed the small creatures
too tiny for me to see
inside myself

so they might care for me

I am of The Earth

I understand now

can you love in the ethereal

can you love in the ethereal
like a spirit does

the clouds are making their way upon the hilltops
and my eyes have found them

she went into the sun

she went into the sun
she has made
my lovely vampire

I look over my shoulder

I look over my shoulder

the shadow of a girl
following me

her shadow is long
and thin

the sun
draws her

on the pavement
her shadow clips
my heel
I trip up

my heart beating